You have heard the phrase “The first impression could be the deciding factor”.
Does your team have a warm, inviting welcome as part of your greeting process? Are your customers greeted quickly at their vehicle? So often we tend to focus on “customer satisfaction” when all that really means is that we have met their expectations. The word EXPECTATIONS has a key word embedded in it… “EXPECT”. Our customers expect to be treated in a manner that meets their expectation. Exceeding their expectation elevates the level of their overall customer experience.
Customer satisfaction is only one part of a customer experience. If our end goal is to create a loyal – retained customer, we must elevate the customer experience. Most will agree the true definition of customer experience is “how you make them feel”.
From the experience they had using your online scheduler or maybe talking with your BDC, to arriving at the store… How are they greeted? Is your staff dressed appropriately to do business? Are they ready to take care of that next customer that pulls into your drive? Or does your lane have the appearance of a “rush hour in a lunch hour” of a fast-food restaurant?
Having your team ready and equipped to serve your customers that would exceed their expectation is a key element in creating a great customer experience which drives your retention to unprecedented levels. The sole purpose of programs designed to drive customers back to your dealership are simply a motivator to get a positive interaction with your customer. It is the actual experience that a customer has with your staff that makes them feel good about utilizing your program and spending their repair dollars with you.
Make their experience a great experience! Not only will you retain them, they will not forget you or the experience they had at your store. Just remember… it all starts with “Hello”.
Dealership for Life
Automotive Loyalty Programs
Trusted by thousands of dealerships, Dealership For Life is a top performing provider of Automotive Loyalty Programs in America!
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