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As I sit in my home hunkered down against the virus, I can’t help thinking about different ways we can Read more...

We throw a lot of words around when we get into a discussion of Customer Retention. Words like loyalty, rewards, Read more...

I’m reading a book called the Everything Store. It’s about how Amazon started and I recommend it highly. The idea Read more...

Over the years there has been a slow evolution of how we do business in the Automobile Industry. Essentially, not Read more...

Is it even possible for customer to get more and not pay less? I’m not talking about the services most Read more...

I find it fascinating that everyone in the automobile business doesn’t use a rewards card to thank their customers for Read more...

Retention is great for every business, and no one has better retention than the National Football League. Teams like the Read more...

Every automotive dealer believes that they run the best operation and do everything a little better than their competition. Is Read more...

I read an article recently in USA TODAY under the heading “ Expect some freebie love when buying a new Read more...